You have the power to nourish hope and uplift spirits through a financial gift of any amount. Whether it’s $10, $50 or $100, your donation will directly support our food pantry operations and the people we serve. We value and appreciate your generosity today!
Your generous donation today helps us continue providing food and resources to families in need right here in our community.
Even a small contribution can make a big difference for a hungry child or struggling parent.
Food insecurity impacts thousands of hard-working families and individuals in our area. Many are forced to make difficult choices between buying food or paying for housing, medicine, transportation and other essentials. With your support, we can assist them during these challenging times.

Now more than ever, we need your compassion and care. The economic impacts of the pandemic have increased the demand for our services dramatically. Your donation allows us to meet this rising need and send people home with bags full of healthy food.
How Can I Donate Food?
Many churches collect food in baskets at their services. Some community groups hold food drives. Other people ask guests to bring canned food to their cookouts to benefit the South Fort Myers Pantry.
Food can be delivered to the pantry on Monday after 8:30 AM for distribution